Tuesday, October 11, 2011

learn Italian

In Italy they speak Italian. Just because the Italians have no gift for languages​​, they speak German tourist or a few words of English.

Unfortunately, every region have its own variation on the Italian, every town and every village dialect accent. I speak Italian street, as I call it. I've never actually been taught well. I've learned on the street.

At home we speak Dutch (which is my native language), a little English, sometimes Italian or even Spanish. Dutch because we are Dutch, English, because I have some subjects in English, because we live in Italy Italian and Spanish because I have Spanish classes.

Sayings and proverbs are different in Italian, even if they have the same meaning.
For example 'an apple and an egg' and 'something to get rid of "(something cheap to sell) is:" Dare by qualcosa per una pipa di Tobacco. That means: "Something to give away a pipe with tobacco.

I sit on a European school, so basically I can learn any European language I want. Generally I get lessons in Dutch, but history and geography I get in English. If you live in Italy you can be a little Italian. Fortunately the Italians would best help them learn. They always speak Italian here, and it is handy if you can.

here are some words and phrases:

Hello: Ciao (chee-a-o)
Good morning: Buona Mattina
How are you?: Come va?
Good: Bene (Bene)
Day: Arrividerci (A-vi-ri-der-chee)
Good night: Buona notte
I love you: Ti amo
How much does it cost?: Cuanto costa?
Where is the toilet?: Dov'è 'l bagno? (Dove il banjo)
1: uno
2: due
3: tre
4: cuatro
5: cinque
6: sei
7: cassette
8: otto
9: nove
10: Dieci

Posted by Anoek from Bardello, Italy

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